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Modern, Productive and Reliable Process Plant Equipment, Mixing Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Storage Tanks, Reaction Kettle, etc.

Background Of The Company

Chem Plant & Engineering Services, a registered partnership company has been operating for the last 18 years. The company is engaged in the design, manufacturing, supply and installation of various process, plant and equipment in the field of chemical, pharmaceutical, hotels, cosmetics, healthcare and allied industries. The company has also developed an indigenous process know-how for conversion of waste rice husk ash to valuable chemicals such as sodium silicate and amorphous silica. Commercial plants have already been installed on turn-key basis, and are running successfully.

The key person of the company is Mr. Suranjan Basak, a chemical engineer & ex-employee of Gansons Ltd, McNally Bharat, Greaves, companies renowned in the field of chemical, pharmaceutical, & process industries. During his tenure with above organisations, he was extensively involved in process & mechanical design, execution of various equipments and projects, project management including plant commissioning & start-up.

Started Chem Plant & Engineering Services in 1997 and since then has successfully executed various projects & equipments to the utmost satisfaction of clients as can be seen from the list of projects given herein.

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About Ourselves

We are a professionally managed team comprising of well educated and experienced technical personnel, engineers from various discipline, analytical chemists, plant supervisors, marketing personnel and skilled labours in the field of Process Engineering & Management Services.

Most Popular Products
Reaction Vessel
Finding its applications in water treatment plants and chemical industry, this Reaction Vessel is demanded for blending synthetic resins. Manufactured with perfection by a team of skilled professionals, the offered vessel is reckoned due to its robustness and longer life. Moreover, we offer this Reaction Vessel to our valued patrons in minimum order quantity of one piece.